Commit 20471e6c by YoMon


parent 64f698e7
......@@ -85,150 +85,8 @@ export default {
return true
// 获取搜索页头部列表
searchGoods(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/goods/search', obj, param) },
// 获取订单列表
getOrderList(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/searchList.json', obj, param) },
// 获取所有订单页面,广州二次支付订单导入按钮是否显示
orderPageBtnShow(obj) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/orderPageStatus.json', obj) },
// 获取未支付订单列表
getUnpaylist(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/unpaidOrderList.json', obj, param) },
// 获取选中未支付订单,应支付金额明细
getUnpayAmount(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/neddedFees.json', obj, param) },
// 获取需要编辑的订单的地址信息
editOrderAddress(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/getOrderAddress.json', obj, param) },
// 保存编辑的订单的地址信息
saveOrderAddr(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/orderAddressUpdate.json', obj, param) },
// 获取购物车列表
getCartlist(obj, param) { return this.postByJson('/xhr/cart/list.json', obj, param) },
// 更改购物车数量
changeNumInCart(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/cart/updateById.json', obj, param) },
// 添加到购物车
addGoodToCart(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/cart/addCartByCode.json', obj, param) },
// 获取购物车数量
cartGoodNum(obj) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/cart/getCount.json', obj) },
// 删除购物车商品
delCartGoods(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/cart/deleteById.json', obj, param) },
// 获取头部类目列表
getClassify(obj) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/category/all.json', obj) },
// 获取商品详情
getGoodsDetail(obj, goodCode) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/goods/' + goodCode + '.json', obj) },
// 商品详情推荐商品
detailHotGoods(obj) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/goods/recommend.json', obj) },
// 获取首页内容
getIndexGoods(obj) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/goods/indexGoods', obj) },
getAddressById(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/area/child.json', obj, param) },
// 获取平台分销列表
getPlatformList(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/financial/orderPackageList/queryByPage.json', obj, param) },
// 获取采购财务列表
getPurchaseList(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/report/purchaseFinancial.json', obj, param) },
// 获取供货财务列表
getSupplyList(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/report/supplyFinancial.json', obj, param) },
// 取消订单
cancelOrder(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/orderCancel', obj, param) },
// 删除订单
deleteOrder(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/orderDelete.json', obj, param) },
// 订单详情获取商品和订单编号等
orderDetailInfo(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/detail.json', obj, param) },
// 订单详情-获取海关状态
orderCustomSts(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/packageCustomsLog.json', obj, param) },
// 修改身份证号
changePaper(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/changePaper.json', obj, param) },
// 获取确认订单页面商品信息
getConfirmOrder(obj) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/confirmOrder', obj) },
// 获取用户地址列表
addressListGet(obj) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/userAddress/list.json', obj) },
// 设置为用户默认地址
setAddrDefault(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/userAddress/setDefault.json', obj, param) },
// 删除用户地址
delUserAddr(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/userAddress/delete.json', obj, param) },
// 根据地址id获取单个地址详细信息
getAddrFullById(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/userAddress/getById.json', obj, param) },
// 添加或者修改地址
updateAddrById(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/userAddress/upsert.json', obj, param) },
// 地址-添加身份证
addIdentityNumber(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/userAddress/addIdentityNumber.json', obj, param) },
// 提交订单
submitOrder(obj, param) { return this.postByJson('/xhr/order/submitOrder2.json', obj, param) },
// 去支付页面获取可使用支付方式和收款方信息
goPayInfo(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/pay/payWay.json', obj, param) },
// 支付(包含单个订单直接付款和未支付订单页面整体提交)
ordersPay(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/pay/payment.json', obj, param) },
// 获取账户明细列表
getFinanceDetail(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/financial/accountDetail/queryByPage.json', obj, param) },
// 获取余额提现列表
getwithdrawList(obj) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/finance/withdrawList', obj) },
// 获取自有货源列表
getSourceList(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/goods/supplierSearch.json', obj, param) },
// 获取库存变动列表
getInventoryList(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/goods/inventoryLogSum.json', obj, param) },
// 获取库存变动详情
getInventoryDetail(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/goods/inventoryLog.json', obj, param) },
// 库存变动详情导出
InventoryExport(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/goods/exportInventoryLog', obj, param) },
// 登录页面相关
usrLogin(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/login/submit.json', obj, param) },
// 退出登录
usrLogout(obj) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/login/logout.json', obj) },
placeOrderInfo(obj, param) { return this.postByJson('/xhr/order/initOrder2.json', obj, param) },
// 获取包裹状态
getPackageType(obj) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/packageStatus.json', obj) },
// 获取海关状态
getCustomType(obj) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/customsStatus.json', obj) },
// 快递接口
getExpress(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/getPackageExpInfo.json', obj, param) },
// 手机验证码(注册用)
getMobileCode(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/login/mobileCode', obj, param) },
// 注册
register(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/login/register', obj, param) },
// 获取用户信息
getUserInfo(obj) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/web/user/getInfo', obj) },
// 手机验证码(修改手机号、修改密码用)
getChangeMobileCode(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/findPassword/getMobileCode.json', obj, param) },
// 确认输入的验证码是否正确(修改手机号、修改密码用)
confirmMobileCode(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/findPassword/verifyMobileCode.json', obj, param) },
// 更新手机号码接口
updateMobile(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/web/user/updateMobile.json', obj, param) },
// 更新用户名
updateName(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/web/user/updateName.json', obj, param) },
// 修改用户密码
changePassword(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/login/changePassword', obj, param) },
// 上传头像信息
saveHeadr(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/web/user/updateAvatar.json', obj, param) },
// 找回密码(第一步):账号验证
verifyAccount(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/findPassword/verifyAccount.json', obj, param) },
// 找回密码(第三步):手机验证码修改密码
retrievePassword(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/findPassword/retrievePw.json', obj, param) },
// 找回密码(第二步):发送邮件
sendEmail(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/findPassword/sendEmail.json', obj, param) },
// 找回密码(第三步):邮件验证
verifyEmail(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/findPassword/verifyEmail.json', obj, param) },
// 仓库列表
depotList(obj) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/depot/list.json', obj) },
// 供应商自有货源导出
sourceExport(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/goods/selfGoodsDerive.json', obj, param) },
// 批量提货即批量添加购物车
addCartBatch(obj, param) { return this.postByJson('/xhr/cart/addCartBatch', obj, param) },
// 用户余额信息
moneyInfo(obj) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/financial/moneyInfo.json', obj) },
// 余额充值
recharge(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/recharge.json', obj, param) },
// 售后申请页面初始化数据
afterSaleInit(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/afterSale/applyDetail.json', obj, param) },
// 售后申请提交
afterSaleSubmit(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/afterSale/applySubmit.json', obj, param) },
// 售后详情
afterSaleDetail(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/afterSale/detail.json', obj, param) },
// 提交售后发货信息
afterSaleSubmitLogis(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/afterSale/deliverySubmit.json', obj, param) },
// 售后申请取消
afterSalecancel(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/afterSale/applyCancel.json', obj, param) },
// 提现页面-提现提交
withdrawCash(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/cashWithdraw/confirm.json', obj, param) },
// 获取订单数量
getSearchCount(obj, param) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/order/searchCount.json', obj, param) },
// 获取支付信息
getPayInfo(obj) { return this.wRequest('/mock/47/api/shop/profile/pay/list', obj) },
// 获取角色权限列表
roleAuthList(obj) { return this.wRequest('/xhr/getMenus', obj) },
server_getConfig(key) {
if (process.env.WD_ENV === 'production') {
var configp = require('../config/config-prod.json')
* 邮箱
* @param {*} s
export function isEmail (s) {
return /^([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+((.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{2,3}){1,2})$/.test(s)
* 手机号码
* @param {*} s
export function isMobile (s) {
return /^1[0-9]{10}$/.test(s)
* 电话号码
* @param {*} s
export function isPhone (s) {
return /^([0-9]{3,4}-)?[0-9]{7,8}$/.test(s)
* URL地址
* @param {*} s
export function isURL (s) {
return /^http[s]?:\/\/.*/.test(s)
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
import YCookie from '../assets/js/yCookie.js'
// import requestApi from '../assets/js/requestApi.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
......@@ -48,16 +49,16 @@ export default {
computed: {
visitedViews() {
return this.$store.state.systemTags.sVisitedViews
// if (this.tabNow === 0) {
// return this.$store.state.systemTags.sVisitedViews
// } else if (this.tabNow === 1) {
// return this.$store.state.goodsTags.gVisitedViews
// } else if (this.tabNow === 2) {
// return this.$store.state.orderTags.oVisitedViews
// } else {
// return this.$store.state.financalTags.fVisitedViews
// }
// return this.$store.state.systemTags.sVisitedViews
if (this.tabNow === 0) {
return this.$store.state.systemTags.sVisitedViews
} else if (this.tabNow === 1) {
return this.$store.state.goodsTags.gVisitedViews
} else if (this.tabNow === 2) {
return this.$store.state.orderTags.oVisitedViews
} else {
return this.$store.state.financalTags.fVisitedViews
watch: {
......@@ -77,82 +78,20 @@ export default {
if (!route) {
return false
this.$store.dispatch('sAddVisitedViews', route)
// if (this.tabNow === 0) {
// this.$store.dispatch('sAddVisitedViews', route)
// } else if (this.tabNow === 1) {
// this.$store.dispatch('gAddVisitedViews', route)
// } else if (this.tabNow === 2) {
// this.$store.dispatch('oAddVisitedViews', route)
// } else {
// this.$store.dispatch('fAddVisitedViews', route)
// }
// 获取列表数据
getOrderCtg() {
let order = []
let orderPath = []
let orderId = []
let laps = []
let lapPath = []
let lapId = []
let finance = []
let accountPath = []
let accountId = []
// this.$store.dispatch('sAddVisitedViews', route)
if (this.tabNow === 0) {
order = ['所有订单']
orderPath = ['/y-order/order']
orderId = ['0']
laps = []
lapPath = []
lapId = []
finance = ['账户安全', '账户信息']
accountPath = ['/account/security', '/account/message']
accountId = ['0', '1']
this.$store.dispatch('sAddVisitedViews', route)
} else if (this.tabNow === 1) {
order = ['所有订单', '导入订单', '未支付订单']
orderPath = ['/y-order/order', '/y-order/order-import', '/y-order/order-unpaid']
orderId = ['0', '1', '2']
laps = ['账户明细', '采购财务']
lapPath = ['/finance/finance-detail', '/finance/purchase']
lapId = ['0', '2']
finance = ['账户安全', '账户信息']
accountPath = ['/account/security', '/account/message']
accountId = ['0', '1']
this.$store.dispatch('gAddVisitedViews', route)
} else if (this.tabNow === 2) {
order = ['所有订单', '导入订单', '未支付订单']
orderPath = ['/y-order/order', '/y-order/order-import', '/y-order/order-unpaid']
orderId = ['0', '1', '2']
laps = ['账户明细', '采购财务', '供货财物', '平台分销']
lapPath = ['/finance/finance-detail', '/finance/purchase', '/finance/supply', '/finance/platform']
lapId = ['0', '2', '3', '4']
finance = ['账户安全', '账户信息']
accountPath = ['/account/security', '/account/message']
accountId = ['0', '1']
this.$store.dispatch('oAddVisitedViews', route)
} else {
order = ['所有订单', '未支付订单']
orderPath = ['/y-order/order', '/y-order/order-unpaid']
orderId = ['0', '2']
laps = ['账户明细', '采购财务', '供货财物', '平台分销']
lapPath = ['/finance/finance-detail', '/finance/purchase', '/finance/supply', '/finance/platform']
lapId = ['0', '2', '3', '4']
finance = ['账户安全', '账户信息']
accountPath = ['/account/security', '/account/message']
accountId = ['0', '1']
for (let i = 0; i < order.length; i++) {
let itemOrder = {name: order[i], id: orderId[i], pagePath: orderPath[i]}
for (let i = 0; i < laps.length; i++) {
let itemLaps = {name: laps[i], id: lapId[i], pagePath: lapPath[i]}
for (let i = 0; i < finance.length; i++) {
let itemFinance = {name: finance[i], id: accountId[i], pagePath: accountPath[i]}
this.$store.dispatch('fAddVisitedViews', route)
// 获取列表数据
getOrderCtg: async function () {
switchTab(e) {
this.tabNow = e
YCookie.setLocalCookie('tabNow', this.tabNow)
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ var merge = require('webpack-merge')
var baseConfig = require('./nuxt.config.js')
module.exports = merge(baseConfig, {
proxy: {
'/xhr/': '',
'/order': ''
'/xhr/': ''
<section class="container">
<img src="../assets/img/logo.png" alt="Nuxt.js Logo" class="logo" />
<h1 class="title">
This page is loaded from the {{ name }}
<h2 class="info" v-if="name === 'client'">
Please refresh the page
<nuxt-link class="button" to="/">
Home page
export default {
asyncData({ req }) {
return {
name: req ? 'server' : 'client'
head() {
return {
title: `About Page (${}-side)`
<style scoped>
margin-top: 50px;
font-weight: 300;
color: #9aabb1;
margin: 0;
margin-top: 10px;
margin-top: 50px;
......@@ -14,7 +14,10 @@ const store = () => {
return new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
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